On this year’s forum presentation, technical documentation with mobile access was the central focus / Three-dimensional realtime rendering is also increasingly asked for in terms of technical documentation / 3D Engine by Bitmanagement is also suited for popular mobile ‘end-devices’ such as iPhone, iPad, iPod and Android / Mobile documentation contents in 3D can be accessed, operated interactively and explored worldwide and from every location / Bitmanagement 3D Engine can be integrated as an OEM version by producers of technical documentation
Technical documentation should be as old as technical products even exist. Whether the product is accompanied with an instruction handbook, user information booklet, handbook or service instructions, barely any product leaves the manufacturer without a suitable instruction manual. Through digitalization, the possibilities for technical documentation have also been expanded. More frequently than before, such information relies on mobile communication. At the same time, more and more companies also start to visualize their technical documentation in realtime 3D.
It was possible for the producer of 3D visualization-software – Bitmanagement Software GmbH – to demonstrate that its 3D renderer supports popular mobile ‘end-devices’ for technical documentation, which was presented this time on the 12th Single Source Forum in Munich/Pullach. Through practical examples, Bitmanagement’s general manager Peter Schickel was able to demonstrate this thoroughly to the professional audience, and at the same time was able to present the advantages of 3D visualization with the 3D Rendering Engine ‘BS Contact’, especially for technical documentation. The fact that the 3D technology by Bitmanagement also supports mobile applications also matched the concept of the forum, which ran under the motto: ‘Mobile Documentation: Concepts, Applications and Visions’.
Schickel in his presentation did not only visualize the advantages for users of the products, service engineers or sales department workers in the outside field, but also made clear that mobile and 3D presentation complement each other usefully. Through his technology that presents the user with the possibility of operating documentations interactively, an additional increase in the information content of the documentations is reached. Additionally, he also indicated that producers of technical documentation could integrate the 3D Engine by Bitmanagement as an OEM version without difficulty.
Schickel is convinced that especially the tablet computer with its large monitor facilitated the use of mobile technical documentation. He thus feels reassured in his decision to further and consequently develop his 3D viewer technology and to align it with new hardware developments. He also sees confirmation in the fact that more and more notable companies such as Ikea and Siemens decide to three-dimensionally visualize their product line-up. Schickel thinks it to be a matter of course that a mobile application in this case is necessary, as well as necessary for the IT world in general, which is becoming more and more mobile.
i.A. Norbert Böcker
Bitmanagement Software GmbH
Oberlandstrasse 26, D-82335 Berg
Tel.: 08151-97170-8
Mobile: 0171-3337719
About Bitmanagement Software GmbH
Bitmanagement is a provider of multimedia software with a focus on online interactive 3D visualization. The multimedia technology for 2D/3D, audio and video is real-time and Internet-ready. Based on the ISOstandard formats VRML/X3D, CityGML and COLLADA, and Java, it allows an Interactive visualization of concepts and products.
Bitmanagement develops and markets a product portfolio of visualization software, which is composed of visualization software (BS Contact VRML / X3D, MPEG-4, Geo, Stereo and Mobile), documentation (BS SDK Package) for animation and different programming tools up to Workflow optimization such as BS Encrypt.
Besides software development the company specializes on content production. The focus is here on creation of interactive online capable 3D models - mainly high resolution city models – based on a cost efficient offshore team of 3D artists.
Bitmanagement was founded in 2002 by three former employees of the Blaxxun Interactive AG, Munich. The company achieved sales growth and positive results in 2011 and is "cash flow positive" since its founding.
Bitmanagement is a board member of the "Web3D Consortium" (USA), which is responsible for the standardization and dissemination of 3D ISO standards for the Internet. Bitmanagement is also simultaneously a member of the" 3D Consortium "for the dissemination of stereoscopic visualization.
More information at: http://www.bitmanagement.com
Company Profile at: http://www.bitmanagement.de/en/company/profile
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