Berg, 2008-09-23
INTERGEO 2008/ Systems 2008
The supplier of GIS 3D Software focusing its presentation at INTERGEO and systems /navigation world exhibition on both automated constructed city models and front end application for navigation systems
The supplier of GIS 3D Software focusing its presentation at INTERGEO and systems /navigation world exhibition on both automated constructed city models and front end application for navigation systems
Bitmanagement Software GmbH showcases at the INTERGEO fair in Bremen, North Germany, sharing its booth with Geo Content GmbH, Magdeburg, East Germany, its online 3D viewer BS Contact Geo as well as automated constructed city-data. Both, data and viewer including customer GUI and interactive multimedia content can be integrated into customer business models.
You will find Bitmanagement at INTERGEO in hall 5, booth 5.224 and at systems/navigation world in hall B1, booth 325-12
Only few weeks after the world’s most important computer graphics exhibition the Siggraph in Los Angeles, USA, has closed its doors, the 3D software supplier Bitmanagement Software GmbH also presents its new procedure at the INTERGEO fair in Bremen. The new application is based on an automated constructing procedure for 3D city models enabling automatic capturing data of complete cities with 4 inch resolution.
The new application provides a reproduction of much higher quality compared to traditional hand made procedures as well as a substantial shorter time need. The data capturing is executed by cameras carried from an airplane simultaneously covering cities and terrains. All models will be visualized with the worldwide used 3D Viewer BS Contact Geo, which is adjusted to GIS applications. BS Contact Geo supports interactivity and internet compliance.
3D city models can be used integrated in many applications ranging from online search engines to embedded automotive navigation- and entertainment systems. Due to the interactivity and the internet compliance given by BS Contact 3D Software Bitmanagement meets the requirements of customers who increasingly expect entertainment features from info-systems, including real three dimensional reproduction of streets of houses and of terrain as well as interactive gaming and navigating.
Bitmanagement - also by using a cooperation with a provider of Geo data - had the ability to expand its geo-data based software offers ranging from consumer applications – e.g. the interactive worldmap for Bertelsmann – to the softwarefrontend application for navigation- and infotainment devices.
For your contact:
Norbert Böcker, Press and PR
Norbert Böcker
Bitmanagement Software GmbH
Oberlandstrasse 26
D-82335 Berg
Phone: +49 8151 97170-8
Cell: +49 (0)171 3337719
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